Holley-Mooring Family Tree


Andrew Hayes Holley

Andy has been an active participant in the Special Olympics programthrough school in Bowling, Track & Field, Golf and has also participatedin Assisted Soccer. He has won several Gold, Silver and Bronze medalsand various number of ribbons. He is a very loving, and calm naturedperson, who is eager to please. He loves movies and music and traveling.

Adopted By Donald Reese Holley and name was officially changed to Andrew Hayes Holley. The middle name is the maiden name of Donald's Mother

Jonathan Reese Holley

Jonathan has the most beautiful red hair. I am here to tell you that he lives up to the rumored reputations of "Wild Red Head". He rolled over at 3 1/2 weeks of age and he has been going strong ever since! Although he spent a lot of time in the hospital, it never slowed him down.

Gabriela Nicole Holley

What can one say about the "Princess"? She is the cutest, most precious baby girl in the world! She had a tough time since she has been here,but she has conquered and held onto life with a fierceness that I envy,despite the odds that she was given and I am just in awe everytime I see her smile. She will still your heart with just a glance, and she wil lentertain you for hours with her personality. I can not properly give her the credit she deserves with mere words, but she is indeed our little"Princess".

Samuel Reubin Holley

In 1938 Samuel Wilkes and his son, Samuel Reubin, were planning onopening a store in Longview, Texas. They went to inspect the storebuilding, as it had been under repair. Either Wilkes or Reubin, and itwill never be known which one, started to light a cigarette. During thebuilding repair someone had left a loose connection on the heater and thenatural gas had accumulated. When the match was struck, the wholebuilding blew up. This happened on January 18, 1938. Wilkes lived aboutseven days before he died. As the family was preparing to take him backto Attala County, Mississippi for burial, the doctors told the familythat Reubin would not live until they returned. Reubin died on January27, 1938. Reubin left a wife, Nan Reese Holley, and two small sons,Nicholas, age 6 years, and Don Holley, age 2 years. Ruebin was buried inKilgore, Texas. Source: Holley - Waters Genealogy, written by:William Henry Day & Sammie Jean Holley

Inda Jane Potter

Although I did not know my grandmother well, I do have an enormous amountof respect for her. She managed to survive three spouses, a divorce fromher last spouse, the death of two children, running a fruit stand, atobacco farm, a cafe, provide shelter, clothing and food for her childrenand countless strangers who happened to come her way, during times thatwere economically and physically hard. Grandma always gave whateverneeded to be given, whether it be as simple as a meal or as harsh as aspanking. She was rock solid and devoutly religious.