Contributed by: Roger Kammerer and Elizabeth Ross
Col. Thomas Edwards died without issue in Greene Co., NC , when he was shot and killed by a slave. His widow brought suit, in 1817, against the heirs of Thomas, as represented by administrator James Glascow SHEPHERD. Winnefred was engaged in the latter part of 1808 to be married to Col. Thomas Edwards, and was married January 1809. He died in 1816 and left no children. The court case listed the heirs: Theophilus Edwards, brother of Thomas Henry Edwards, brother of Thomas John HEATH and wife Sally, dau. of dec'd. bro. of Thomas, of Washington Co., GA Blaney HARPER and Elizabeth wife, sister of Thomas Edwards Molly HILL of Lenoir Co., NC, sister of Thomas Edwards Nancy SHEPPARD of Pitt Co., NC, sister of Thomas Edwards William MURPHY and wife Polly, dau. of dec'd. bro. of Thomas, of Washington Co., GA Children of dec'd. bro. of Thomas [not clear if same as above, or a different bro.]: Thomas Edwards John Edwards Isaac Edwards William Edwards Dempsey Edwards Sally Edwards Nancy Edwards Absala Edwards Joel ALTMAN and wife Elizabeth of Wayne Co., NC Benjamin HARDEE and Polly wife Children of Zilpha STANLY , a dec'd. sister of Thomas Edwards; all of South Carolina: John Stanly William Stanly Thomas Stanly James Stanly Mary Stanly Zilphia Stanly Elizabeth Stanly Sarah Stanly Matthew Stanly Sources: Abstracted from NC Supreme Court Records, Case #1024: Winnefred Edwards -vs.- Shepherd and Edwards - 1817. NC Archives and History, Raleigh, NC. Additional notes on Zilpha Edwards Stanley, as published in the book Stanley Ties, by James Savage Stanley, Jr., of Dallas, TX, in 1982: Zilpha Edward, b. ca. 1740, d. Mar. 31, 1808, in Darlington Co., SC; m. ca. 1759 to Sands Stanley of Dobbs Co., NC, b. ca. 1738, d. Nov. 19, 1799, in Darlington Co., SC. Sands Stanley, Sr., left a will, probated Dec. 18, 1799, in Darlington Co., SC, Willbook C. They had 13 children, born ca. 1760 to 1778 (in order of birth): Penelope, Shadrack, Zilpha, John, William, Mary (Polly), Thomas, Elizabeth, Sands Jr., Ann, James, Sarah (Sallie), and Martha.
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