Artis, Albridgton/Allbritton/Allbrighton, Albritton, Albritton, Baily/Bailey, Blackmore, Britt, Bruton, Bryant, Caraway, Carraway, Chambers, Cooper, Cooper, Darden, Draughton, Edwards, Farmer, Fort, Freeman, Gay, Gay, Hardy, Harper, Harper, Henderson, Hill, Holiday, Hunter, Johnson, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Kilpatrick, Kornegay, Lovick, Minchew/Minshew/Minshrew, Moye, Murphy, Murphy, Nelson, Ormond, Price, Pridgen, Pridgeon, Scarborough, Seymour, Skinner, Slaughter, Sugg/Suggs, Suggs, Tooly, Tucker, Vining, Wheeler, Whitley, Wilcox, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams,
Bill McLean 6/14/98
Would like to correspond with anyone who has information on, or is researching the SCARBOROUGH family of Greene Co. I'm interested in the David, Joshua, Martha, and Sidney SCARBOROUGH who appear in the 1800 census of that county. Also appearing in the same census are Isaac MINSHEW, Sr. and Jr. (spelled MINSHREW in the census record), along with several others of the same surname. Isaac MINSHEW/MINCHEW married Elizabeth SCARBOROUGH, the sister of David and Joshua SCARBOROUGH. I'd like very much to find out more about these families and especially would like to know who the father of these SCARBOROUGH's was and if they connect with any of the SCARBOROUGH families of earlier Dobbs and Edgecombe counties.
W. Alan Jones 5/29/98
Does anyone have information on the family of Reading JONES who lived in Dobbs/Greene County in the early 1800's.
Also, there was a John JONES, Sr. and a John JONES, Jr. living in Dobbs/Greene County in 1800. Does anyone know of the families of these two men. John JONES, Sr. was a Baptist Preacher, I think. Thank you.
Evelyn Hendricks 5/26/98
Does any one know anything about this family? William Henry WHEELER was born about 1830. Family tradition is that he was born in Wake Co., N.C. and was orphaned at an early age. He was endentured to Adam WILCOX of Greene Co.,N.C. In 1855 he married Malvina CARAWAY of Greene Co., N.C. She was the daughter of Mathew CARAWAY and his wife Nancy PRICE. Malvina was born in March, 1834 in Greene Co., N.C. William Henry (I believe he was called Henry) died about 1880 to 1885 of pneumonia. He is buried in an unmarked grave in Greene Co. Malvina died in Nov., 1924 or 1925 in Greene Co. She is buried beside her husband. The cemetry is about a mile from Harrel Swamp Free Baptist Church, in a field behind a house. They lived near Walstonburg. Malvina belonged to the Free Will Baptist Church. Before her marriage, Malvina was the superintendant of weaving at the Faircloth plantation near Walstonburg.
1. Nancy Elizabeth (Nanny)born Oct 1, 1856, married before 1878 to John Henry WHITLEY, died 22 May, 1924 in Greene Co.,N.C.
2. Hulda Virginia (Jenny) born about 1858, married Edward WHITLEY
3. William Henry, Jr., born 12 Dec., 1861 in Walstonburg, Greene Co., N.C., married 29 Dec., 1880 to Matilda Lizer (Ida) GAY, died 17 Nov., 1930 in Walstonburg, Greene Co., N.C.
4. Frank WHEELER married Hattie SAUREY. He lived in Raleigh, Wake Co.,N.C.
5. Johnny WHEELER, died young of TB
6. Charlie WHEELER, died young of TB
7. Ella WHEELER, married Johnny GARRIS, died in 1905 in childbirth. William Henry and Malvina were my great-grandparents, through their son William Henry, Jr. I have not been able to find any additional information on him. I have a picture of him in his Civil War uniform (Confederate) but have not even been able to find him in the CW records. I did find one who might be the right one, but the age is off by about ten years, so am not sure of that.
Lee Martin 5/24/98
Looking for information on the family of William H. CARRAWAY, b. 1846, Greene County, d. 1916, Greene Co. Married Henrietta SUGGS, b. 1847, Greene? Co, d. 1917, Greene? Co.
Libby Nations 5/24/98
In the 1850 census of Greene Co. theres a Thomas FREEMAN. Can anyone tell me anything about him?
W. Alan Jones 5/21/98
Searching for the parents of William Randolph JONES and his sister Mary Anne JONES. Both were born in Dobbs/Greene County. It is said they lived in or near Snow Hill. Mary Anne was born 1811 and married Matthew ALBRITTON. William Randolph JONES was born 1814. Any help is appreciated.
W. Alan Jones 5/21/98
Searching for information on children of Matthew JONES and Elizabeth ALBRIDGTON (could be ALLBRITTON or ALBRIGHTON). Thank you.
Gayle Licari 5/9/98
Searching for information on Robert WILLIAMS whose wife was Mary HARPER. Was he brother to Joseph WILLIAMS whose wife was Avy MURPHY---if so who was Robert and Joseph's father and mother? The reason I ask is information I obtain is unclear:
Robert WILLIAMS and Mary HARPER's children:
Francis WILLIAMS m. (1776-1868 m. Nancy CHAMBERS
Mary (Polly) WILLIAMS m. John Cooper of Duplin Co. NC
Sarah (Sally) WILLIAMS m. 3-5-1797 Jessep PRIDGEN
Branch WILLIAMS m . Tessie BRUTON
Harper WILLIAMS m. Eliza WILLIAMS (cousin, d/o Joseph and Avy Murphy WILLIAMS)
James WILLIAMS m. Fedora (Feddy) WILLIAMS (cousin, d/o Joseph and Avy Murphy WILLIAMS
and Martha (Patsy) WILLIAMS d/o Joseph and Avy Murphy WILLIAMS widow of William WILLIAMS
Robert WILLIAMS, Jr. m. Mrs. BLACKMORE (nee HILL of Duplin County. NC)
Rose WILLIAMS m. George COOPER of Duplin County, NC
Patience WILLIAMS m. Hogan HUNTER
Margaret (Peggy) did not marry
Tabitha WILLIAMS ????
I am searching for the parents of my Blaney WILLIAMS who was b. abt 1828 Any help is greatly welcomed.
Dorothy Britt Garrison 5/9/98
I wanted to know how I could find out about the Simon BRITT in 1800 [Greene Co] census? Maybe land records, wills, deeds ?
James William Ormond 4/22/98
I am seeking information on the parents and siblings of Jane Elizabeth EDWARDS (1821-1891), wife of Hardy ORMOND of Greene County.
Patty Day 4/14/98
I came across the following in NCGSJ-May83 wonder if anyone has anymore information. Mary Ann Eliza LOVICK of Greene Co. had a name change from TOOLY. She is listed as the dau of George P. LOVICK. The year was 1827 and the page number is page 88 in the Laws of North Carolina. This is an abstract submitted by Ransom McBride. Was George P. LOVICK a son of William LOVICK who died in 1858, and had a dau. Mary Ann LOVICK who married who married Warren KILPATRICK Jan 25, 1836?
Lynn Johnson 4/14/98
Searching for traces of the family of my great-grandfather, John William GAY. John was born in 1861 in Snow Hill, Greene County. His father, William Richard GAY would have been born about 1832, where I can't find. From census records, I know he was in Wilson County in 1860, and I know that he died in Richmond of a belly wound in 1864, when John was three. John returned to Wayne County with his mother.
John stated in 1902 that his grandfather was William GAY. He also told his son that either his father or grandfather ran a "jewelry shop" in Snow Hill and that one of them "killed a deer and the deer killed him". The deer was shot but not killed, and when approached so that whichever could kill him, reared up and gored the hunter in the chest.
Does ANYBODY have this family in their records?
Darrell Rogers <> 4/7/98
I am looking for information on the family of Nancy SUGG(S) (female) who appeared in the 1850 and 1860 Greene County census. Children listed include Unity and Clarkey. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Patti Benjamin 4/7/98
Am researching the BAILY/BAILEY family that lived in Greene County at least from 1840 to 1850 as they were listed on the census then. The names were Elkany BAILY (born abt 1808) his wife Cherry (born abt 1812) and their children Eason, Cinda, William H., Mary, Theophilas, John T., and Mary Jane. After 1850 I can't find the family anymore. If anyone has any info on this family, please let me know.
Lyhend 4/5/98
Anyone with info re Adam Toussaint ARTIS, born in Greene County in 1831? His mother was Vicey ARTIS, born about 1810. She and her sister Silvania ARTIS (1814) were free women of color. Vicey and her slave husband Solomon WILLIAMS' children included Adam, Zilpha, Jane, Loumiza, Charity, Louis, Jonah, Jethro, Jesse, Richard and Delilah. Adam was apprenticed to Silas BRYANT until about 1852. After their father was emancipated, several of Vicey and Solomon's children used the last name WILLIAMS, but Adam and Richard continued to use ARTIS.
W. Alan Jones 3/9/98
Searching for any information on the parents of William Randolph JONES and Mary Anne JONES. William Randolph JONES was born in Glasgow/Green County on December 28, 1814. Mary Anne JONES was born in Glasgow/Green County on May 31, 1811. She married Mathew ALBRITTON on September 5, 1833. They had three children, Jessie and John (twins) and Francis. William Randolph JONES left Glasgow/Green County to run a dancing school in New Bern. Later he settled in South Carolina and finally in Alabama. Would appreciate any help in learning of the parents of these people.
Alice Walter 3/9/98
I am searching for anyone who has record of descendants of Nathaniel HENDERSON b. 1756 Greenville, NC. d. 1803 Edgeville, SC. m. Rebecca HOLIDAY. Is he the parent of William HENDERSON b. 1780 m. Mary Elizabeth FORT. William lived in Independence County. Arkansas.
Del E. Jupiter 3/9/98
I would like information on William A. DARDEN (1805-1875), Sr. and his family who lived in Speight Bridge District of Greene Co. I would also like to know his relationship to Rachel MOYE. Thank you.
Rena Peterson 1/22/98
Looking for information on Smithy FARMER, born December 1829. She had three girls, Mary married Nathan SKINNER, Ester married George SLAUGHTER, and Annie who may have married a Reddick JOHNSON. Not sure who Smithy was married to or where she was from. The SLAUGHTER family lived at Moseley Hall, Lenoir County which I was told used to be LaGrange. I have been told also that Smithy FARMER could have been born in Greene County.
John Lucas 1/22/98
I am currently searching for information relative to the family of Epinetus HARDY (born approx 1833 in Greene Co.) and his spouse, Serena NELSON (born approx 1837 in Pitt Co.). They had at least two daughters whose names were Mary Jane HARDY (born 8 Feb 1861 - Pitt Co.) and Rebecca? (born approx 1859 - Greene Co). Mary Jane HARDY married George Macon TUCKER (of Pitt Co.) on 24 Oct 1878. Does anyone have addtional information relative to the Epinetus HARDY family line? John V. Lucas, Jr. Phone: 703-370-7743 Apt 215 5500 Holmes Run Parkway Alexandria, VA. 22304
Gayle W. Licari 1/15/98
Robert WILLIAMS and Mary HARPER-WILLIAMS searching for their son James WILLIAMS and Robert WILLIAMS and who they married Patience WILLIAMS (HUNTER) b. 1778 Greene County, NC Sarah WILLIAMS (PRIDGEON) b. 1780 Rose WILLIAMS wife of Geo. COOPER b. 1782 Mary Polly WILLIAMS (COOPER) b. 1784 Margaret Peggy WILLIAMS never married b. 1786 Tabitha WILLIAMS b. 1788 Blaney WILLIAMS b. 1787 or 1792 Branch WILLIAMS b. 1790 James WILLIAMS b. 1794 Harper WILLIAMS b. 1798 Francis WILLIAMS b. ______ Robert WILLIAMS, Jr. b. ________ I believe Robert WILLIAMS, JR. or James WILLIAMS was the father to my Blaney WILLIAMS who lived in Duplin County, NC and was married to Frances Ann __________ and to Mary Catherine KORNEGAY would very much like proof.
SEYMOUR 1/12/98
SEYMOUR -- seeking any and all information on SEYMOUR's in Green County census from 1870 until 1910.
Dennis Vining 1/12/98
I want to know anything on William VINING. He was from Massachusetts and lived in that area [Greene Co] around 1750. I know he had a son named Jeptha VINING.
Arthur B. Lott 1/12/98
I am seeking informatiom about my gg grandfather, Joseph WILLIAMS, who died in Greene County, NC about 1830. He was married to Ava (Avey) MURPHY and his will was probated in Greene County. He ws a wealthy man and gave either a plantation or slaves and personal property to his chidren when he died. My g grandfather, Benjamin Franklin WILLIAMS, was his youngest child and was 16 at time of death and inherited the home plantation known as Clifton Grove. Benjamin Franklin WILLIAMS was a medical doctor and served several terms in the state legislature from Greene County before moving to Georgia in the 1850s. Do you have any information on Joseph or Ava Murphy WILLIAMS? Thank you.