Greene County, NC

Surname Registry, Queries and Index ~ Archives


Query Archives, 1996 - Oct. 1998




Recent Queries: June - Oct. 17, 1998 (to be archived)

Celeste A. Sauls 10/16/98
Any information (parents, siblings, whereabouts) welcome on Jacob SAULS (sometimes SAWLS ) who moved from Greene Co. to Houston Co., GA approx. 1825. He married "Christan" while still in N.C. .  His children include Lawrence.

Jack McLean 10/16/98
Elizabeth DISHAROON married Jesse POPE in Green Co . Nov. 28, 1814.  Both died in Pineview, Ga . Elizabeth's father was William DISHAROON .  Jesse's father may have been named Jesse as well.  I am looking for information on the DISHAROONs and POPEs .

Beverly Allen 10/16/98
I am looking for any information on Haywood VAUGHAN or his brother Moses VAUGHAN who were born in Greene county in the early1800s. They had at least one other brother but do not know his name. If you have ANY information please contact Beverly Allen.

Robert & Rachel Churchill 9/18/98
Looking for information on John R. HEATH born May 1855 in the Snow Hill area . John married Arenna MOORING born July 1859 in the Snow Hill area . I believe they moved to Grimesland , NC .  Thank you.

Looking for information on Wiley TAYLOR born Nov 1814 in NC .  He married Henrietta JOHNSON about 1838 and they are listed on the 1840 census for Greene County .  There is a deed in Greene County registared by Celia TAYLOR in 1842 and lists the children of a Henry TAYLOR as Elizabeth TAYLOR , Wiley TAYLOR , Absolom TAYLOR , Martha TAYLOR , and Jas. TAYLOR .  I believe this to be my Wiley TAYLOR but have no proof. 

Lori Whitmore 9/15/98
Stephen SHELTON born 9 Mar. 1809 in Green, North Carolina   Died 29 Mar 1855 in Provo, Utah,  Married Nancy BROWN full blood Cherokee or Sioux born 17 May 1792. We believe she was traded by the Sioux to the Cherokee for some reason.  I can not find any more info on either of these two. Would like to know marriage date and place and parents of both.  I do not know the place Nancy was born. Thank You.

Patricia Howell Brunkhurst 9/15/98
John ROUSE was born March 20, 1859 and died Oct. 15, 1918.  He married Mary MOZINGO , born on Sept. 20, 1858 and died on Sept. 12, 1941.  they lived in Greene County in an area known as " Rousetown ".  John and Mary ROUSE had 7 children :  Mollie, Benjamin, Lula, Saddie, Bessie, Thomas, and Joseph.  Joseph is my grandfather.  There are native American bloodlines which have been extremely difficult to trace.  Anyone having information on this family ancestry, please share. Thank you, Trish 

ESAL123@AOL.COM 9/6/98
I am seeking info on Daniel C. PARKER known to be in Green County before 1825. Had a son named John Clifton PARKER who settled in Jones County . Thought to have come from Va .

Joshua Stanton 9/6/98
Searching for parents of my great-great grandparents Abner SPEIGHT and Louisa Maria DARDEN .  Their daughter, Julia SPEIGHT , married my great-grandfather, William Isler WOOTEN , and their son, Abram Speight WOOTEN , was my grandfather.  I have the WOOTEN line OK, but nothing on SPEIGHTs beyond Abner. Interesting that Julia died, and WOOTEN married her sister, Mollie SPEIGHT , then had 3 more children. I think they also had a sister named Lydia SPEIGHT , as I have a picture showing "Aunt Mollie and Aunt Julia."

Joe N. Cannon, Jr 8/16/98
I am looking for Susannah MERCER who married Stephen VICK in Dobbs County NC aby 1807, moved to Muhlenberg County, KY where Susannah died 2 Feb 1867. Stephen was apparently brother to Isaiah VICK , my ggg-grndfather and son of Jacob VICK , who lived in Dobbs and Greene Counties . Stephen VICK was born 11 Nov 1786 in Dobbs County, NC and died 3 Jun 1847 in Muhlenberg County, KY. Isaiah VICK was born 13 Nov 1785 in NC (?) and died abt 1870 in Walker County, TX . Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ruth Creech 8/11/98
Looking for descendents of Robert G. CREECH and Julia Ann HARPER .  Robert was the son of Noah and Elizabeth CREECH of Johnston Co .  Julia was the daughter of Redding and Nancy HARPER of Greene Co . 1880 Greene Co census- Hookerton p. 10 106-106 J. Anne CREECH age 30 widow; R. A. son age 7; Robert son age 5; Manoah son age 4; Rosa daughter age 9/12 b. August 1879.  Robert was a merchant who married Julia after 1870 and died before 1880.  I'm working on a book on the descendants of Noah CREECH and any help finding these children or their descendants will be appreciated. 

John Byrd 8/11/98
If you have information on the BIRD/BYRD and TILGHMAN families  that were in Greene County during the 1800's, please e-mail me so that we can exchange information.

Jan Norwood 8/11/98
Looking for John SPEIGHT who married Sension (last name unknown) Married about 1845 and must have moved to Tennessee . Sension's last name might have been BRADSHAW . John was from Greene County .

Pauline Hallett 7/26/98
EDWARDS , William b.abt 1802 NC (probably Greene Co.) is in the 1820 NC cen. Greene Co . #246.  Are these EDWARDS listed under #246 all related somehow, trying to find parents of William, could be John H. EDWARDS also listed in #246.  These are all EDWARDS names listed in 1820 Greene Co . #246: Charles age bet 26-45; Cullen age bet. 16-26; Demsy age bet. 16-26; Henry age bet. 16-26; Isaac age bet. 26-45; John H. age bet. 26-45; Richard age bet. 26-45; Theafilas age bet. 45-+; Thomas age bet. 26-45; William age bet. 16-26; William age bet. 26-45.  Need help in sorting these EDWARDS out, any help would be appreciated.  Some may have gone to Edgecombe Co . my William married Levina NORVELL in Edgecombe Co .

Evelyn Hendricks 7/25/98
Jacob MERCER   lived near Walstonburg ? He was born Nov. 10, 1811 and died 22 Oct., 1881 or March 31, 1886. His wife was Elizabeth RUFF . Does anyone have anything on the parents of this Jacob? I know Elizabeth was the daughter of Redden RUFF , but have been unable to find anything as to Redden's parents. I have some information, but am not sure if it is accurate. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Jacob was my great-great grandfather.

Cynthia Dean 7/21/98
Seeking info on Frederick NICHOLS   who was in the Greene Co . 1800 Census age +26 with one male child age 1-10 and one female age +26.

Alexa Dilworth 7/20/98
Lemuel Hardy ALDRIDGE , son of Jesse ALDRIDGE and Anne HARDY , born Greene Co ., c. 1790 married Mary HARVEY .  Who are Mary HARVEY's parents?

Kathleen J. Webber 7/10/98
Would like to correspond with anyone researching the WEBBER family of Greene County, NC .  The parents of George Thomas WEBBER (1848-1906) were Amanda ? and ? WEBBER .  Any help appreciated.

Deck Bargy 7/10/98
I am looking for any record of Hayward or Haywood VAUGHAN who was born in Greene County April 8, 1820. Any/all information is very much appreciated.

Janice Cutchin 7/10/98
While cleaning up the old STREETER cemetary in Greene County , I am familar with the tombstone of Benjamin STREETER ,( b. May 1, 1798, d. Jan. 26, 1856), son of John & Patsy May STREETER , and husband of Allie May STREETER (1800 -1855). My question is: Where did the STREETERS come from prior to this connection with John STREETER ? Many thanks for your assistance and interest in helping uncover some of our roots.

Lawrence A. Cobb 7/10/98
I am seeking any information on Kinchen Zadock COBB b. 1825 in Eastern N. C.  He married Penney, last name unknown.  They had children (1) William b. abt 1853, (2) Mary E. b. abt 1854, (3) Mandy b. abt 1855, (4) George b. abt 1858, (5) John J. b. abt 1860, (6) Sally b. abt 1861, (7) Penney b. abt 1862, (8) Samuel b. abt 1863, (9) James W. b. 23 May 1865 d. 23 Dec 1927, m. Martha Mattilin JONES , 23 Jul 1885, she was b. 3 Aug 1860, d. 1953, ((10) Carry, b. Abt 1867, (11) Zadock, b. Abt 1869.  This family lived in Green County and were listed in the 1870 census taken at Speight's Bridge , p-42.  Any help is appreciated.

Shirley Folston 7/10/98
FOLSTON surname in Greene, North Carolina .  This surname is not very common, and we have traced our ancestors back to William FOLSTON who came to Yates County, New York from Westmorland, England in 1807-1808. Recently on under North Carolina deaths I found two deaths with the FOLSTON surname.  Shirley Iris FOLSTON b. Sept 18, 1920 and d. sept 20, 1986 at 64 years of age.  It identifies her as widowed, white, but says her father's surname was  FOLSTON .  William Thomas FOLSTON   b. march 4, 1929 d. July 20, 1985 is identified as a white male, 56 years, resided in Greene and died in Wilson and the father's surname is also FOLSTON .  Does anyone have information about this surname or this family in North Carolina . I would like to contact members of this FOLSTON family to exchange family history information. 

Louise Daniel Hutchinson 7/3/98
Searching for Afro-American families in Pre or Post-Civil War Greene County with surname SPEIGHT .  Have already checked Broderbund's Afro-Americans in 1870 Census.  Thank you for any suggestions and/or assistance.

Gayle W. Licari 7/3/98
Searching for information on Pierce MOZINGO ,  Booth MOZINGO sons of John and Ann MOZINGO .  They owned land in Edgecomb , Johnston , Glasgow , Greene , Dobbs , Lenoir counties.  Need to know if Pierce's wife was Sarah GRADDY and if so who were her parents?  Need to know if Booth MOZINGO's wife was Celia__________ poss. PARROTT . Sarah was b. abt 1760/70 d. 1842 in Wayne County, NC.  Pierce MOZINGO died abt 1819 in Wayne County, NC   Did Booth MOZINGO die in NC or did he move out of state?  Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Eugene Arthur 7/2/98
Looking for details on John Lawson ARTHUR . B. Greene Cty 1757, wife unknown. Children Blount and Elizabeth. Blount married Susan SUGGS .

Rena Peterson 7/2/98
Avy FARMER was found in the 1850 Greene Co . census. Avy was 45 years old at the time. Also found was Smitha , William, Esther, John, Richard, Drewry, Eliza, Aldridge, Avy Ann and Mary. Anyone searching this line please contact me. I am interested in knowing how these people were related. Was Avy the mother of Smitha?

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